Peace Lily Care Guide

At Ease with the Peace Lily

Peace Lilies are beautiful indoor houseplants with large, glossy, oval, dark green leaves and impressive white “spathes” (flowers) that last for weeks. They originated in tropical forests around the world where they grew close to the forest floor in the shade of the larger plants. This helps explain why Peace Lilies are one of very few indoor plants that can bloom even in medium to low light.

Note: Peace Lilies might not always have flowers.

It’s good for you! 

Peace Lily Houseplants as one of the best plants to clean the air of harmful toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide. (NASA Clean Air Study Guide)



Low, medium to indirect bright sunlight, most light conditions will work well for Peace Lily. Yellow leaves indicate that it’s getting more light than it would like, while brown ones indicate that they have been scorched.



Check the soil for moisture once each week. If the top soil is dry, water the plant. If it’s still moist, no need to water it yet. Remember that Peace Lily is more tolerant to underwatering than overwatering.



Peace Lily loves humidity. Either place it over a tray of moistened gravel or mist it regularly to make up for the lack of humidity in the air.



Will do well at normal room temperature but would prefer warmer spots.



Peace Lilies aren’t exactly poisonous to humans or animals, but they contain compounds that can cause irritation if ingested. Keep them away from children and pets.



Brighter light encourages more blooms on the Peace Lily, but keep them out of direct afternoon sunlight.