Green Spaces, Plant Styling

Creating a Yoga Sanctuary

Whether you’re creating a fitness studio for your clients or just want to spruce up your own home studio, nothing could be more welcoming than plants.

There’s a wide range of benefits of greenery alone — and having a green-filled oasis adds multiple benefits to your yoga practice. Here’s why:


Air Purity

Purity of the body, mind, lifestyle, and breathing leads to greater health. A stronger mind or body is a result of discipline and purity which you get from practicing. By doing so, you clear out the ways for energy to flow through you.

Living plants are natural air purifiers; so there’s no better reason to having living and breathing plants around while doing your practice. Choose Peace Lily, Snake Plant, Butterfly Palm, or Bamboo Palm – they are the best plants to clean the air of harmful toxins according to the NASA Clean Air Study Guide.


Yoga is about the constant attention to inner awareness and exploring various shapes and forms. To provide a fundamental balance, these should be reflected in your space by combining yin and yang, masculine and feminine colors, and different shapes.

Consider plants with interesting structures then pair them with leafy foliage to balance the look and feel of your space.


Creating a soothing yoga sanctuary can immediately bring in a sense of peace. Add interesting layers and dimensions by using plant stands or by mixing and matching planters.

Meditation Anchors

Mindfulness: it’s your ability to be present in the moment, to be aware of your surroundings, and be conscious of what you are doing. It seems easy to do, but with various distractions like insistent rings and dings, you can easily shift your attention to something else.

One way to center yourself, manage your thoughts, and live in the moment is by staying connected to the great green world. A plant’s foliage makes for great meditation anchors – by just appreciating the texture, shape, and color, you are helping your mind become more focused, clear, and peaceful.

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